Saskia Huitema, a self taught artist, works from her home in Utrecht, central in the Netherlands where she lives with her husband and cat.
Saskia grew up in a small city in Friesland, the Northern part of the Netherlands. She spent most of her time (re)reading all the books in the children's section of the library before moving on to adult books. It was all about getting lost in other worlds.
Saskia became a pharmacist, but once settled, something was missing. She became very interested in art and developed a keen visual sense. When she finally picked up brushes in 2009 she found herself again with a never-ending passion like she had discovered as a child in reading.
Saskia works mostly with acrylics on canvas or panels in varying sizes.
Saskia started out with realistic still lifes and florals to teach herself how to observe and translate to canvas. Saskia’s main focus is on portraits. Her models pose and dress according to the theme of the piece.
Her attraction to surrealism, magical realism, fantasy and pop culture shows in her art. Her magic realistic pieces evoke a mood of mystery and subtle emotions.
The distinctive portraits call for attention as the gaze is automatically drawn towards the portrayed and lingers as colourful details of dress and fabrics are taken in. Saskia’s work is recognisable by use of colour, crisp details, and narrative content.
Currently Saskia is working on a series of paintings named ‘Realms’ in which she explores perspectives, landscapes and different story settings for her subjects. Common thread in these works is a blue feather which seems to beckon the viewer to cross a threshold and have a glimpse into another world. Perhaps urging one to pursue the goal one yearns for. Inspiration: the Otherland novels by Tad Williams.
Saskia exhibits in galleries (inter)nationally, museums and other venues. She has won first prizes and her works have been nominated by jury in the national Dutch competition "Painting of the Year" in 2015, 2016, 2019 and by the jury of ZomerExpo in 2017. In 2019 she was shortlisted for the Dutch Portrait Prize.
Saskia’s work has been published in catalogues and magazines and her paintings have been adopted in homes of collectors both nationally and internationally. From 2020 she has created work for @78 Tarot - an international group of artists that create independently published collaborative Tarot Decks. In 2023 Saskia joined the ‘Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory’ and in 2024 Saskia was accepted into the prestigious Dutch group ‘Meester van het Realisme’ / ‘Dutch Master of Realism’ and the ‘International Guild of Realism’ (IGOR).
"In my art I aim to portray beauty and emotions, weave tales and connect with nature.
I think one of the greatest gifts of humanity is imagination and it is what I am passionate about. I seek to evoke a sense of mystery, wonder and enchantment in my work.
I find my inspiration in (supernatural) tales, fantasy, women, symbolism, the Pre Raphaelites, animals and nature."
Saskia is a self-taught artist. In 2001 she graduated from University Utrecht with a pharmacist degree. She began to take her art seriously in 2014 when she started posting her paintings on Instagram. Since 2015 Saskia exhibits her paintings at various venues.
Curriculum Vitae
Awards and Nominations / Prijzen en nominaties
"Biennale Kunst aan de Kade" Delft, Price of the Public 2015
Nominated by jury: Painting of the year 2015, Dutch national competition
Nominated by jury: Painting of the year 2016, Dutch national competition
Selected by jury to exhibit in Museum de Fundatie, Dutch national competition, ZomerExpo 2017
"Biennale Kunst aan de Kade" Delft, Jury Award 2017
Nominated by jury for Gallery Price ZomerExpo 2017 at Museum de Fundatie
1st Place Cover Artist and prize, Apéro Catalogue October 2018 “Color”
Nominated by jury and shortlisted: Dutch Portrait Prize 2019
Nominated by jury: Painting of the Year 2019, Dutch national competition
Finalist and Third place winner with ‘Eight of Wands’ 2022/2023 Artfinder ‘Unity’ themed competition
Finalist and Honorable Mention Best Art Awards 2024
Exhibitions from 2025 / Exposities vanaf 2025
‘Ocean Tails’, Inverarity Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1/3-30/4/25
‘Pomp and Circumstance’, Curio Art Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal, 1/3-30/3/25
Galerie De Goeie Genade, Middelburg, NL, 6/7-31/8/25
Exhibitions 2015-2024 / Exposities 2015-2024
"Biennale Kunst aan de Kade" Delft, 2015
Nationale Kunstdagen Ahoy, Rotterdam 14-15/11/2015
Art Eindhoven, Klokgebouw Eindhoven 17/04/2016
Exhibition Kunst aan de Kade, Delft 22/4- 8/7/2016
Atelierroute Utrecht 11&18/9/16
Little Big Art Show, La Bodega Gallery, San Diego, USA 24-30/9/2016
Children´s Project exhibition “For Peace”, Museo de Historia y Arte de Guanajuato, Mexico, september 2016
Nationale Kunstdagen Ahoy, Rotterdam 12-13/11/2016
Star Wars Group Art Show-Ways of the Force, La Bodega Gallery, San Diego, USA 10-18/12/2016
The World Art Games New Zealand & WAG Network - group Exhibition- 17-29/01/2017
WAG Mexico- Peace festival - February 2017
'A Night at the Movies', Penumbra Gallery, Lissabon, Portugal 4/3/-1/4/17
Biennale Kunst aan de Kade, Delft, the Netherlands 7/4 - 16/6/2017
'Potions, Spells & Magic', Penumbra Gallery, Lissabon, Portugal 3/6-3/7/17
Water ZomerExpo 2017, Museum de Fundatie, 25/5-20/8/17
Double Tree By Hilton, Amsterdam, Fransastic 6/10-10/10/17
Mermaid Art Show, La Bodega Gallery, San Diego, USA, 11-19/11/17
Nationale Kunstdagen, Beursfabriek, Nieuwegein, 11-12/11/17
'Vision en Rouge' , Confluence Gallery, Twisp, Washington, USA, 18/11/17- 6/1/18
'Small Beauties' , Era Contemporary, Philadelphia, PA, USA- 23/2/18: Philadelphia -25/2/18:New York City
‘Obra Prima’, Penumbra Gallery, Lissabon, Portugal 7/4/18-7/5/18
‘The Hidden’, Confluence Gallery, Twisp, Washington, USA, 21/4/18- 19/5/18
'Hooked on Art: a Flight to Neverland', Bubble Pop Gallery, Bakersfield, California, USA, 4/5/18
Exhibition Kunst aan de Kade, Delft 18/5- 10/8/2018
'Birds and Bees', Confluence Gallery, Twisp, Washington, USA, 7/7/18- 11/8/18
'Zodiac-an Astrology Art Show', La Bodega Gallery, San Diego, California, USA, 11-20/8/18
"Proef de Kunst", Terherne, Netherlands, 19-21/10/18
Nationale Kunstdagen, Beursfabriek, Nieuwegein, 10-11/11/18
WAG UK international exhibition “Celebration”, Taunton, Verenigd Koninkrijk, 27/11-12/1/19
‘Revival', Penumbra Gallery, Charneca de Caparica, Portugal 1-31/12/18
‘12th Annual Holiday Mini Art Exhibit’ Ghost Gallery, Seattle, USA, 13/12-10/2/19
“20” Show, Penumbra Gallery, Charneca de Caparica, Portugal 20/1-9/2/19
Collabaration with Centercom.BV- art circulating at about 200 digital billboards throughout The Netherlands during 2019
Exhibition at CBG (The Medicines Evaluation Board), Utrecht, 20/4-15/6
“Pin-Up Art Show, La Bodega Gallery, San Diego, USA 11-20/5/2019
“2nd Annual Tiki Art Show”, Bubble Pop Gallery, Bakersfield, California, USA, 7/6/19
World Art Games Nederland (WAG-NL), Museum Maassluis, Maassluis, Netherlands, 13/7-13/10/19
HE:LEEN Expeditie Rotsoord, Utrecht, 14/9/19
“Alice in Wonderland Art Show”, Rebel Rebel Gallery, Taos, New Mexico, USA, 28/9/19
“Het Portret- De Nederlandse Portretprijs 2019”, shortlisted, Slot Zeist, 1/9-14/11/19
“Frida de Los Muertos Art Show”, Rebel Rebel Gallery, Taos, New Mexico, USA, 1/11-22/11/19
“Fauna”, Art Whirl, NYC, USA, 9-30/11/19
Exhibition Kunst aan de Kade, Delft 8/11-10/1/20
“2nd Annual Spark Show”, Art Whirl, NYC, USA, 7/12/19
Solo exhibition with “Venster” at “De Bierverteller”, Utrecht, dec/jan 2019-2020
“Squared” Show, Penumbra Gallery, Charneca de Caparica, Portugal 27/6-25/7/2020
“Super Summer”, Art Whirl Gallery, NY, USA 8-31/8/2020
Kunstgalerie De Zwarte Kat, Axel, 6/11-28/2/2021
Spark! 3, Artwhirl Gallery, NY, USA 12/12/20-2/1/21
Small Works Group Show, Penumbra Gallery, Charneca de Caparica, Portugal, 6-31/3/21
The Art of Tarot V: group exhibition, Ghost Gallery, Seattle, WA, USA, 1/6/21
Kunstmarkt bij Molen de Ster, Utrecht, 11/9/21
‘Zodiac’, Artwhirl Gallery, NY, USA 11-25/9/21
‘Critters’, Mize Gallery, FL, USA 21/9-17/10/21
‘Pure Magick’, Artwhirl Gallery, NY, USA 9-30/10/21
Nationale Kunstdagen, Gorinchem, 6-7/11/21
Micks art Collectief- group show, Emmen, 12/12-4/2/22
‘Thicket’ group show Gristle Art Gallery, NY, USA, 5/3-5/4/22
First Art Fair, Amsterdam, 24-27/3/22
Good Looking, portretkunst in Ruurlo, 13/5-25/6/22
Sous-Terre Art Fair Appeltern, de Tuinen van Appeltern, 28/5-6/6/22
The Portrait Show X, Modern Eden Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA, 11/6-1/7/22
Rembrandt Art Market, Rembrandtplein, Amsterdam 31/7/22
Small Works Show Halloween Edition, Curio Art Gallery, Charneca Caparica, Portugal, October 22
Visitekaartjes, Galerie Paterswolde, NL , 22/11/22- 14/1/23
Yule, Modern Eden Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 22
Rembrandt Art Market- Rembrandtplein Amsterdam, NL, 16/4/23
De duystere Markt, Oss, NL, 23/4/23
Beyond Original- The Portrait Show 11, Modern Eden Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA, 17/6-13/7/23
Kunstschouw, Zeeland, NL, 9-18/6/23
Atelierroute Utrecht, NL, 16-17/9/23
ABFM Magazine 4th Annual Online Halloween Group exhibition, Japan, 1-31/10/23
Winter Markt, Molen de Ster, Utrecht, 9/12/23
Visceral Pleasures, Metamorphosis Gallery, Willeton, Australia, 5-27/4/2024
EuropArtFair, Amsterdam, NL, 6-8/9/2024
‘Sanctuary of Expressions’, Poetic Tiger Gallery, ID, USA, 7-30/9/24
Small Works Show ‘Memoir’, Curio Art Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-30/9/2024
Good and Evil, Nanny Goat Gallery, Petaluma, CA, USA, 20/9-20/10/2024
Postcard Art Exhibit, Texas USA, 21/9-10/10/24
Galerie RRMND, Roermond, NL, 5/10-16/11 Roermond
18TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY MINI ART EXHIBIT, Ghost Gallery, Seattle, WA, 8/11/24-5/1/25
‘An Opulent Gaze’, Poetic Tiger Gallery, ID, USA, 7-30/12/24
P.S.9 Postcard Group Exhibition, Nucleus Portland Gallery, OR, USA, 15/12-4/1/25
Publications / Publicaties
Water ZomerExpo 2017 catalogue ISBN 978 90 82231427
Apéro Catalogue October 2018 “Color” available at - Hardcover ISBN: 9780464729082 Softcover ISBN: 9780464729112
Apéro Catalogus February 2019 “Capture” available at - Hardcover ISBN: 9780368284748 Softcover ISBN: 9780368284694
Apéro Catalogus March 2019 “Contrast” available at - Hardcover ISBN: 9780368418839 Softcover ISBN: 9780368418877
Zanna Magazine Issue 2 March 2019 by WEAREZANNA available at
Zanna Magazine Issue 3 July 2019 by WEAREZANNA available at
Apéro Catalogus September 2019 “Nature” available at - Hardcover ISBN: 9780464295709 Softcover ISBN: 9780464295655
“Het Portret- De Nederlandse Portretprijs 2019” catalogus, EAN: 8716951319505
PIKCHUR Magazine, Issue VI,
Zanna Magazine Issue 5 April 2020 by WEAREZANNA available at via
Zanna Magazine Issue 7 October 2020 by WEAREZANNA available at via
Zanna Magazine Issue 8 April 2021 by WEAREZANNA available at
78 Tarot collaborative Tarot Deck- Ecological Deck 2021- ‘Five of Water’ Card
78 Tarot collaborative Tarot Deck- Animal Deck 2021- ‘Eight of Wands’ Card
Candyfloss Magazine - 4- The Flora and Fauna Issue -2021- available at Candyfloss
78 Tarot collaborative Tarot Deck- Magical Tarot + Oracle Deck 2022- ‘Plants’ Oracle Card
Zanna Magazine Issue 13 31 October 2022 by WEAREZANNA available at
78 Tarot collaborative Tarot Deck- Halloween + Creatures of the Night Oracle Deck 2023- ‘Three of Swords’ Tarot Card
78 Tarot collaborative Tarot Deck- Anniversary Deck 2024 -’Eight of Wands’ Card
Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, issue 45, 2024
Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, issue 48, 2025
Memberships / Lidmaatschappen
Stardust Art Collective 2020-2023
78 Tarot global art collaboration 2021-
Member of Beautiful Bizarre Artist Directory 2023
Member of The Portrait Society of America 2023
Member of ‘Meesters van het Realisme’, Netherlands 2024
Member of ‘International Guild of Realism’ (IGOR) 2024